Caged Freedom Project
This project focusses on the feeling of entrapment and freedom that is conveyed through 'The Caged Bird' poem. During COVID-19 everyone has been trapped in their homes, this has lead to many people taking walks to feel out of the house to feel the freedom of nature.
In nature people feel this sense of freedom because we appreciate the small details found in everything we sense (see, hear, touch etc). This project aims to take this same approach and apply it to small details found in daily routines. This try to promote the sense of freedom and apply it to these daily routines.

Coffee Routines - A Deeper Look
My first daily routine was making a cup of coffee. I wanted to include specific sounds found in the routine as this plays into other senses rather than visual senses. I kept shake on as it implies what we would see as a human and that nothing is perfect. This plays with the idea that there is perfections in imperfections. I pick key features out of the video footage and emphasise these different aspects of the routine. An example of this is the displacement of the background behind the steam and how it waves from side to side or the fact the colour heats up as the kettle heats up. There are also subtle hints of surrealism introduced as the footage at the end is a reverse switch adding this free dreamy like aura to the motion piece.
Coastal Experimental Motion
This piece of motion was an experimental piece of the coast.
This was to have a reference of comparison between the nature and daily routines.
Shower Routines - Investigating Intricacies
This piece was more abstract than the other composition and in a way more surreal than the first coffee piece. I made this one even more focal on shapes and patterns.
The colours create the mood and atmosphere of the motion.
Proposal Video
Proposing the idea of the exhibition in situ.